Seed Passport

Would you like to donate seeds to the Canberra Seed Savers Living Seed Bank? Whether you’re donating or swapping, the information in this seed passport helps Canberra Seed Savers to keep important records for the Seed Bank, to make sure your seed is managed properly and that it is shared with the community while it is still viable.

Please print and fill in the passport with as much information as you can. The more information you can provide, the better but don’t worry if it’s very basic. Please just fill in what you can. Bring to a Seed Swap or other Seed Savers event along with the seeds you’d like to donate. If you donate seed, you can take an equivalent amount of seed home from the Bank.

If you want to donate seed but forgot to print and fill out a seed passport, never fear! We have plenty of printed copies at our events. Hope to see you at a seedy happening soon!

Got a question? Need more information? Email us:

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