Category: Blog

  • Meeting a seed saving legend

    Meeting a seed saving legend

    Seeds are the very living embodiment of heritage. They are the source of everything we eat (yes, even the carnivore’s meat is from animals that graze on flowering, seeding grasses/grains). Knowledge of saving seed has been foundational to human culture for thousands of years going back to the Fertile Crescent – and maybe even before…

  • Seedlings for Community – join us in growing for our community

    Seedlings for Community – join us in growing for our community

    This season the fabulous volunteer growers at Canberra Seed Savers will once be growing seedlings to give away to those in need in our community! You can be part of it by contacting us at We’ll be monitoring the Covid-19 situation and following all lockdown rules and public health advice. This may mean that…

  • Autumnal Seed Saving

    Autumnal Seed Saving

    March and April is a popular time for seed saving – in Canberra we grow so many summer and autumn crops that, as the days shorten and the weather cools, get ready to end their annual life cycle once again. Nature’s beginning – and end – is seeds and herbaceous crops will be flowering and…

  • Autumn and Winter seedlings

    Autumn and Winter seedlings

  • Growing veggies from seed

    Growing veggies from seed

  • Thinking about planting? Think about soil temperature…

    Thinking about planting? Think about soil temperature…

    Spring is coming (despite the forecast of snow for this weekend!) and it’s time to plan for planting. When getting ready for spring planting, bear in mind that soil temperature is crucial for germination of seeds. Warm weather seeds are much more interested in whether the soil is warm than if the air is balmy.…

  • Seed Savers Growing Community

    Seed Savers Growing Community

    Join us in growing lots of spring seedlings to give away to our fellow Canberrans who are having a hard time at the moment. Whether you can grow 20 extra beans or 100 extra tomatoes and a tray full of lettuce, you’re very welcome to join in on the Seed Savers Growing Community project. How…

  • Spring & Summer Seed Swap

    Spring & Summer Seed Swap

    It’s still freezing cold out there – but not to early to start planning for spring planting! We’re swapping and selling spring and summer seeds and you’re invited! Drop-in, stay for a little while or a bit longer. Lots of space for physical distancing for coronavirus-safety. Please stay home if you are unwell or have…

  • Seed Libraries for Community Gardens

    Seed Libraries for Community Gardens

    In late 2019, Canberra Seed Savers embarked on an exciting new project: Mobile Seed Libraries for Canberra community gardens. Our aim: to promote growing from seed and seed saving and to build our growing community of seed growers, swappers and sharers. Mobile seed libraries are a great way to share skills and knowledge about seed saving…

  • What to sow now in Canberra? Growing in climate change conditions

    What to sow now in Canberra? Growing in climate change conditions

    The weather has been terrible – between drought, fire, smoke and hail, many local growers big and small have had a hard start to 2020. Our climate is changing and we need to adapt. This year, Seed Savers will be trialing growing herbs and vegetables from seed at different times and in non-traditional seasons. Follow…