Seedlings for Community

Every spring and autumn, volunteer seedling growers work together to grow seedlings from seed and materials provided by Canberra Seed Savers and to donate those seedlings to Canberrans in need or who would like to try growing food but may not have the means to buy seedlings.

All seedlings are seasonally appropriate and locally grown and recipients can link to an online guide to growing, caring for and harvesting the plants. All seedlings can be grown in pots or small spaces.

In the Autumn 2022 season, there are 24 volunteer growers in the network who are aiming to produce thousands of seedlings for 12 community organisations such as St John’s Care and Communities@Work to distribute to their clients or to use in their community gardens. We also partner with 3 schools for special needs students and those with other challenges, to assist in teaching them about sustainability and the joy and value in growing their own food.

The Seedlings for Community Program is about helping more people to gain skills and confidence in growing food at home, about connecting people in our community and building networks of support and friendship, and having fun growing lots of seedlings and promoting growing food at home.

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